I am just in love with the wooden keepsake boxes!!! It adds a little handmade touch when I deliver wedding photos to my clients!!

I am just in love with the wooden keepsake boxes!!! It adds a little handmade touch when I deliver wedding photos to my clients!!
Andrew and Nicole met at a Greek Orthodox Camp (MBC) up in New Hampshire 11 years ago and have been inseparable since then!!! I was so excited for their wedding since their engagement session was so much fun and amazing!!
It was a cloudy day but as the wedding approached the sun came out and shined on the perfect couple to grant them their perfect day. Everyone looked wonderful that morning, I especially loved the personalized dress hangers for the bridesmaids which added a special touch. The groomsmen were so much fun to spend time with and photograph especially the Koumbaro (sponsor of the wedding.) The personal letters the couple wrote to each other before the wedding was a special moment that they will never forget.
This was my first time at Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church and the iconography was beautiful. The look on Andrew's face as Nicole walked down the aisle was priceless, this was the girl of his dreams who is now going to be his wife. These two are perfect together and you can definitely see that. I am so happy for them and so glad I was able to be a part of their special day!! Here are some photos from their wedding day!!!!
Congratulations to Kristina & David!!! This wedding was so much fun, from very early in the morning with everyone getting ready to the last song played that night at the Wachusett Country Club in Worcester MA! Everyone looked amazing!! The wedding ceremony at Saint George Orthodox Church was just beautiful! I wish David & Kristina the best and many long years together, they are perfect together as you can see. Honesty they didn't even need to pose to look amazing :) Kristina even had her college class from Fitchburg State University at the wedding! Here are my favorite photos from that day.